​​​​As much as possible, our Panel Leads support umpires in their pursuit to achieve their next level of qualification. Below is a summary of the Junior Umpiring and Umpiring Pathway.

If you have a question about getting to the next step on the pathway, please contact

Netball NZ Exams

If you have done your Centre Practical, then register now for the Netball NZ Zone Theory Exam! 

When you register for the exam, be sure to use your personal email address for registration so you stay in the system after you depart your school/work. The Centre to use is "Auckland" or "ANC".

The dates for these NNZ Exam and more information on how to register for the exam visit the Netball Northern Website.

Umpire Badge Assessments

​​​​​​​Auckland Netball Affiliated Umpires wanting to connect with a coach for support and guidance around NNZ Badge assessments please email: