There are a number of fun and competitive tournaments on offer at Auckland Netball throughout the year for all age groups. These tournaments are open to teams from other netball centres (not only from Auckland Netball). Our tournaments are of a high standard offering quality competition and are held at our St Johns or Mt Eden venues.

​​​​​​​For more information about the tournaments please contact: Anne Nicholson | Games Liaison


Schools affiliated to Auckland Netball.
Please enter your teams through ANC Team Builder

Schools NOT affiliated to Auckland Netball
are most welcome, please email to receive link to register.​​​​​​​

Date: Sunday 27 April 2025
Time: Games commence 9am 
​​​​​​​(rain or shine)
Grades: Premier, Senior (Yr 11-13), 
Yr 10 & Yr 9
​​​​​​​Cost: $105 
Registrations: Open

Location: ​​​​​​​Auckland Netball Centre,
​​​​​​​St Johns

A pre-season opportunity to prepare your team/s for the season. Schools may use this day to confirm team selections, get to know your team or to give things ago and try combinations in a real game.

Your team should have at least 4 or 5 short games.

A suitable umpire must accompany every team or teams will not be able to take the court.

All teams must provide a correctly inflated ball & bibs.

No cash out available on the day.

Date: Wednesday 18 June 2025
Time: Games commence 9am 
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​(rain or shine)
Grades: Senior Boys (Yr 11-13),
Junior Boys (Yr 10&9)
​​​​​​​Cost: $105 
Registrations: Not open yet

Location: ​​​​​​​Auckland Netball Centre,
​​​​​​​St Johns

This an opportunity for Boys to give it a go playing against their peers.

Our intention is to follow with a mid-week after school 6-week league for Secondary Schools Boys in Term 3.

Details will be confirmed following feedback from the tournament.

Date: Wednesday 6 August 2025
Time: Games commence 9am 
(rain or shine)
Grades: Premier, Yr 10, Yr 9, ​​​​​​​Boys Open
​​​​​​​(top teams only)
​​​​​​​Cost: ​​​​​​​$125
Registrations:  Not open yet                    

Location: Auckland Netball Centre,
​​​​​​​St Johns 

We strongly encourage a team for every girls grade. Schools entering Girls teams in all Premier, Year 10 & Year 9 grades will be given priority for registration. 

The Combined Points Trophy (since 1989) is awarded to the school that has teams entered in each grade (Girls - Premier, Year 10 & Year 9) and has accumulated the most points in Section play.

Note: Results from the Boys Grade are not calculated for the trophy.

A suitable umpire must accompany every team or teams will not be able to take the court.

All teams must provide a correctly inflated ball and bibs.

No cash out available on the day.

Date: Sunday 17 August 2025
Times: Games commence 9am ​​​​​​​
(rain or shine)
Grades: Yr 9 & ​​​​​​Yr 10 Girls,
​​​​​​​NEW Boys & Mixed
Cost: $105
Registrations:  Not open yet

​​​​​​​Location: Auckland Netball Centre,
St Johns 

This is an opportunity for your team to end your season with a day of netball. 

Note: this tournament will run alongside our Intermediate Challenge Tournament for Year 7 & Year 8 teams. 

Your team should have 4 or 5 short games.

Teams must provide their own umpire, bibs and balls. 

It is in your interest to provide your own umpire to guarantee you have an umpire for your games. However, if you would like to request assistance with umpiring, please indicate on the registration form. Cash payment required per umpire.

No cash out is available on the day​​​​​​​.​​​​​​